Interesting Facts

06 Interesting facts about Uruguay

06 Interesting facts about Uruguay

To learn more about this wonderful destination of Uruguay, we present some interesting facts about Uruguay. Population, area, economic data, forms of government, most important cities and other important information about Uruguay.

Interesting facts about Uruguay

Despite its small size, Uruguay holds several world records that make its culture and people unique. Surprise yourself with the best curious facts about Uruguay.

  • Uruguay is one of the countries with the highest literacy rate in the Americas: 98% of the total population is literate.
  • One of the most striking facts about Uruguay is its remarkable place in the history of football: nobody can explain how a country with just over 3 million inhabitants can hold so many titles. Uruguay was the first champion of the World Cup in 1930 (of which he was host), and also conquered the title in Brazil 1950, in the match against the local popularly known as Maracanazo. In addition Uruguay is the country that has been the most times champion of America, with 15 championships. The Centennial Stadium of Montevideo is the only Historical Monument of World Football, declared by FIFA.
  • 88% of the Uruguayan population is of European descent, a very high number compared to other Latin American countries. This is because there was little indigenous population to the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, to which the strong waves of European immigrants (mainly from Spain and Italy) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are added.

  • Uruguay is known for having the longest carnival in the world, held between January and March with various parades and official shows.
  • Declared a Lay State, Uruguay has no official religion and cult diversity is wide, with 47% Catholics, 11% Protestants and 0.3% Jews.
  • In proportion, Uruguay is the country that consumes the most yerba mate in the world. This popular infusion is a symbol of Uruguayan culture, and it is common to see people with mate under the arm in public.

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