what National Day Is It Today

International Geek Day May 25

Today we will tell you today is national what day. International Geek Day is intended, since its creation in 2006, an essentially humorous day. The choice of the date owes nothing to chance, it coincides with:

The World towel Day (celebrated on the same day as little serious)

The first showing of Stars Wars in 1977

International Geek Day May 25

International Geek Day May 25

A day without claim or message

So it’s hard to tell you what it is for and who it wants to attract attention to, especially if we assume that the geek has no other social life than the one behind his screen! I digress.

Its English name is “Geek Pride Day”, a name that was not obvious since this day was born in Spain under the name “Día del Orgullo Friki”.

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