what National Day Is It Today

International Pop Corn Day January 19

Today we will tell you today is national what day. There are international days for all or almost everything … so why not a day as International Pop Corn Day? This day is mentioned in a number of sites, without being able to distinguish precisely the origin.

International Pop Corn Day January 19

International Pop Corn Day January 19

Long before the discovery of America

The consumption of popcorn is ancient, one finds traces among the Amerindians and this well before Christopher Columbus does not go to make a small turn!

Is popcorn really bad for your health?

One would be tempted to answer yes, but in reality the answer is no. Indeed, as it is popcorn, this food contains fiber, antioxidants, iron and protein, in short, nothing but good things.

Where things are spoiled is when you add astronomical quantities of sugar and associate it with a physical expense close to nothingness but this is another story.

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