
Hibiscus: National Flower of Haiti

The national flower of Haiti is Hibiscus. Painting in a tropical region would be complete without a representation of a girl with a flower in her hair.

National Flower of Haiti

The flowers used are often the national flower of Haiti is Hibiscus. Apart from their natural beauty, what do these exotic flowers mean?

Meaning of the Hibiscus

Although the specific meanings for the hibiscus flower differ according to the culture of their observer, there are some generalities in the symbolism of the hibiscus:

  • It is considered a very feminine flower, so it is generally offered to women or worn by women. In North America especially, the hibiscus symbolizes the perfect wife or woman.
  • During the Victorian period, a hibiscus meant that the person who offered it recognized the delicate beauty of the person who received it.
  • In China, a hibiscus symbolizes the brevity and beauty of celebrity or personal glory. It is offered both to men and women.

Hibiscus: National Flower of Haiti

National Flower of Haiti Significance

The French word “hibiscus” comes directly from the Greek word “hibiscus”. The flowers received their name from Pedanius Discords, the author of one of the few complete manuscripts of the Roman period, De Materia Medica, which contains five volumes. Dioscorides was not only a botanist, but he was also a doctor in the Roman army.

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The symbolism of the Hibiscus Flower

  • Hibiscus is the unofficial national flower of Haiti.
  • A yellow variety called Hawaiian hibiscus (Hibiscus Brackenridge) became the official Hawaiian flower in 1988, despite the fact that it does not originate in Hawaii. It is the second official flower of Hawaii. The first is the red hibiscus (Hibiscus kokio) that is native to Hawaii. Celebrity is brief.
  • The flowers of hibiscus are delicate and very beautiful, in the same way as young women, the flowers of hibiscus often symbolize the young women.

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Facts About the Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus is much more than pretty greenhouse flowers:

  • Hibiscus grow on shrubs or on trees up to 4.5 meters high.
  • Hibiscus flowers are sometimes called mauve roses because they are part of the Mallow family.
  • Are you trying to attract hummingbirds to your garden? Plant red hibiscus.
  • All hibiscus colors attract butterflies (diurnal and nocturnal) as caterpillars of many species eat them.


Hibiscus: National Flower of Haiti


There are hundreds of species of hibiscus that all need to live in a warm and humid environment, such as in India, Hawaii, Haiti or Malaysia. They are found in various sizes and colors but most have five petals in the shape of an oval around a central pistil.

The significance of the Color of the Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus exist in a floral rainbow of colors. The meanings of colors differ from one culture to another, but they have common associations. Some hibiscus is a mixture of colors, but one color will predominate.

  • White symbolizes purity, beauty, and femininity.
  • Yellow is associated with happiness, the radiant sun, and luck.
  • Pink is not only the favorite color of many little girls. It also symbolizes friendship and all forms of love, not just romantic love.
  • Purple is associated with mystery, knowledge and the upper classes.
  • Red is a symbol of love and passion.

Some Highlights of the Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus is not only appreciated for its beauty, but also for their medicinal effects and for their taste.

  • Hibiscus flowers often add flavor and color to many herbal teas.
  • Some species are not only edible, but they also contain vitamin C. However, never eat a plant that cannot be easily identified.
  • Hibiscus tea, dyes, petals or dried flowers are believed, according to tradition, to help for everything from a heart disease to the common flu. Unfortunately, there is very little evidence to prove these claims.
  • WebMD reports that its hibiscus tea is known to help reduce blood pressure.
  • Do not consume any products with hibiscus tea when you are taking acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol). These two drugs have harmful interactions.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid teas as well as foods and other hibiscus preparations.

Hibiscus: National Flower of Haiti

The Message of the Hibiscus Flower or Hibiscus Flower Meaning

Youth, fame, and beauty are very similar to the hibiscus flowers, which have short lives. Although the flowers are killed, they will grow as long as their shrubs or trees are maintained. Enjoy the moments of beauty as long as they last.

Turn Flowers into Custom Pins

Just as hibiscus flowers are important symbols of Haiti, each national flower is a presentation of its country and has its own deep meaning. Often, travelers are interested in the national flower when they travel. That’s why many travel agencies turn flowers into custom pins as gifts for their clients, as a way to show, thanks. It would be a good choice to have the name of the business brand or logo printed on the pin back. Pins can be a great reminder of the trip. For business owners, the pins can also serve as a promotional tool. The pins can be easily customized with GS-JJ. Check here to make your own flower pins.

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